Sunday, January 4, 2009

well, here i am, it is 2:12pm in sunny santa monica.

just had a bit more of the pizza that we (my host family) made for dinner last night.

watched doubt last night too. good movie. i was pretty tired though so i fell asleep a little.

today so far i have taken the car that has been so graciously offered to me all around the santa monica area... then i got the idea that i wanted to play beach volleyball/basketball. so i bought some shorts from champssports for 7.49 and was about to hit the... well i don't know where i was going to go but i was going to go there when i realized that i was very hungry and also had to pee really bad.

soooo i drove back to the house (like 5 minutes of driving, nbd) and here i am. i'm gonna put on some of my other shorts, the ones that say uri football (hopefully people will be like oh man you're from the east coast no way!) and hit the... court/beach. hooray!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

in other news... why is baby luke chasing a cop car ACROSS AN ATLAS?!?!?!
you're like the marshmallow dude from ghost busters.
go ahead, role your eyes. i know it's happening